Music-Society presents XM2 by LazyDog(2Lazy)

Music-Society presents XM2 by LazyDog(2Lazy) x-mod/fm synth: Osc 1 modulated by osc 2, or parallel (FM=0), FBack=strength (5 waveforms). Simple AD envelopes for amplitude and pitch (a break from complex FM ‘ratio’ EGs…) Top DCA EG is for main osc/OP/carrier A, and defines overall DCA/note length. Lower DCA is for modulator OP B. Pitch env has no effect unless switched on, and assigned ‘amount’, – or + (green buttons). Filter (DCF) has full ADSR envelope. single or double serial operation (4 modes per stage). Dual assignable keyscaling (-/+). Velocity response on DCA, DFC, FDBK. Modwheel assignable 10 destinations, obscurely indicated…

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music-society presents Anvilia MM VSTi by HG Fortune for

music-society presents Anvilia MM VSTi  by HG Fortune for A fairly classic synth concept by HGFortune in a special version for hp:// featuring some peculiarities in detail. Instead of the Colorizer with HP filter of the regular version of Anvilia this one has got two Spook Effects to shape the sound even further with a different layout of modulations. Thus it is possible to mix four different soundlayers: direct out of the oscillators, Spook A, Spook B and filter. Among the 256 inbuilt waveforms are 32 image generated waves (as used within HGF’s Alien Space Weaver) with quite complex…

Continue reading presents Cantus by D.Instruments

Cantus 1 is a virtual analog Chorus-Voice-Ensemble. It produces sounds like chanting choirs or singing voices generated by analog synthesis only. You may also get pad sounds with different colourations and vintage touch. Shurely you know the old string-ensembles like „Solina Strings“, “Crumar”, “Logan Strings” or “ARP Quadra”. Many evergreen rock songs include the sound of this phenomenal vintage instruments. They are available as VST instruments in many versions at all. Cantus 1 is a bizarre sister of this string ensembles. Using the same basic idea it generates also polyphonic pads but filtered and modyfied to vocal formants. It produces…

Continue reading presents Datura-Instruments RadaR

Datura-Instruments RadaR is a four dimensional Analog- & Digital-Synthesizer equipped with exclusive modulation possibilities. The combination of digital and analog processing provides a wide range of sound colours. The “north and south” modules play two analog voices each with a polyphony of 8 tones providing ring-modulation, phase-modulation and separate filters. The “east and west” modules are twice digital (soudfont compatible) sample players each with a polyphony of 8 tones including a factory sample bank of 128 sounds. For finishing the sound a Reverb, Delay and Phaser section is on board. The “scanner” works synchronized to the sequencer or host-tempo and…

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Walk in the deep of Kalemegdan

Kalemegdan (serbisch–kyrillisch Калемегдан aus dem Türkischen: Kale meydanı; deutsch: Burgplatz) ist eine Parkanlage auf dem ehemaligen Glacis der Festung von Belgrad in der serbischen Hauptstadt Belgrad. Der Kalemegdan teilt sich in die Anlagen des großen und kleinen Kalemegdans. Lage Der Kalemegdan befindet sich nordwestlich des heutigen Stadtzentrums von Belgrad oberhalb der Mündung der Save in die Donau. Von hier aus bietet sich ein weiter Blick auf den Mündungsbereich mit der Großen Kriegsinsel (heute Naturschutzgebiet) sowie auf die Belgrader Stadtteile Zemun und Novi Beograd, darüber hinaus Richtung Norden auf die große bewaldete und von Kanälen durchzogene Fläche der Pannonischen Tiefebene. Geschichte…

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