music-society presents Anvilia MM VSTi by HG Fortune for

music-society presents Anvilia MM VSTi  by HG Fortune for

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[Bild: WJWqbRRl.png]

A fairly classic synth concept by HGFortune in a special version for hp:// featuring some peculiarities in detail. Instead of the Colorizer with HP filter of the regular version of Anvilia this one has got two Spook Effects to shape the sound even further with a different layout of modulations. Thus it is possible to mix four different soundlayers: direct out of the oscillators, Spook A, Spook B and filter. Among the 256 inbuilt waveforms are 32 image generated waves (as used within HGF’s Alien Space Weaver) with quite complex structure. Anvilai MM is capable of very vivid and complex sounds for textures, ahtmos and Pads plus fairly common synthsounds.

Basic features:
2 Oscillators with 256 inbuilt waveforms each
1 Spook A
1 Spook B
1 EG for Spook section
1 24db LowPass filter with resonance and EG (ADSR)
6 LFO and 1 Sample&Hold incl. 1 dedicated pitch mod LFO
1 Amp EG (ADSR)
1 Delay bpm synced with offset knob for free adjustment
Lo/Hi EQ
Stereo Reverb
LKO function for Delay (LastKeyOff unleashes full delay amount as set by DlyLvl)
Pan modulatable by selectable LFO and option to switch between normal Pan and Delay to opposite direction

For download you have to register or login, it is free!

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